Jade Acorn Necklace

Jade Acorn Necklace


A necklace that has been attuned to be used as a pendulum, its as simple as taking the necklace off your neck and holding it over your hand.

Nephrite Jade is often used in dream work, to help with lucid dreaming, and with remembering dreams. Nephrite Jade carries a revitalizing energy that can help to speed healing. It is a stone of health and abundance, allowing Divine energy to enhance the circumstances of life. Used as a good-luck talisman in many cultures, Nephrite Jade helps open the Heart Chakra to allow good fortune to flow naturally. Jade is naturally very cool to the touch, regardless of the temperature of its environment. Even if placed in a warm temperature, jade will maintain its coolness. It takes a fair bit of time to warm up and cools down very quickly, making it good to place on the back of the neck on hot days to keep cool.

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For the best outcome wear or smudge the necklace first. If you are trying to communicate with a specific loved one or energy try to have something that reminds you of them close.

You can establish with your necklace and energy what motion means what to you, but how my family and I have been using them for years is:

Back and fourth=Yes

Side to side=No
