Moss Agate Acorn Necklace

Moss Agate Acorn Necklace


A necklace that has been attuned to be used as a pendulum, its as simple as taking the necklace off your neck and holding it over your hand.

Moss Agate has been said to help speed up recovery from illness, have anti-inflammatory properties, cleanse the circulatory and elimination systems, and boost the immune system. It also assists midwives in lessening pain and helping to ensure a good delivery.

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For the best outcome wear or smudge the necklace first. If you are trying to communicate with a specific loved one or energy try to have something that reminds you of them close.

You can establish with your necklace and energy what motion means what to you, but how my family and I have been using them for years is:

Back and fourth=Yes

Side to side=No
