Fettuccine, 200 yards of Light Fawn Premium Alpaca yarn (Including Shipping)

Fettuccine, 200 yards of Light Fawn Premium Alpaca yarn (Including Shipping)

from $40.00

200 yards of top-grade light fawn DK yarn, weighing around 2.2 oz, in a twisted hank.

Fettuccine Alfredo is quite an alpaca, he didn’t handled as much as his black fibered show brothers (Ravioli and Rotelle) before we got him, so he can be a feisty guy, it’s always a drama when it comes to shearing, trimming, training and shots, anything to do with humans, he even makes a patented “go away face” you can see in the first picture of him outside the barn, but he loves his alpaca friends especially Ziti, the baby of the group, that pronks with him around the pasture when they are happy or excited. He may not like people but he is the sweetest to the other boys.🙂

All of the pictures of him show the fiber before being sheared off for the summer heat and used for this yarn!

*Everything that’s purchased here goes straight into food costs (high-quality hay from a local farmer, grain treats from a local grain mill, and occasional fruit and veggie treats!), vet bills, shearing and spinning costs.

Thanks for supporting this small ranch of 5 happy boys!

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